WMG | Iconic Records
GFX | 3D | Motion Design
Team: Jory Federighi, Erik Fashingbauer, Brian Legoo, Brendan Henry
Warner Music Group's "WMX" team invited us to collaborate with them to create a surreal rendition of their expansive physical vault of timeless records and coveted artifacts from music history. This CG vault serves as the stage in the main title sequence for WMX's show, Iconic Records. Each season of the show spotlights a single album from Warner Music's vault, delving into its creation and its enduring influence on pop culture and society. Season 1 of 'Iconic Records' features The Notorious B.I.G.'s 'Life After Death'.
We set out to create an environment that felt cosmically infinite, balanced with the warmth of intimate lighting and the tactile presence of metal cataloging shelves

Using photography provided by Warner Music of the physical album, we created a CG version of the cover, sleeve and vinyl down to every detail, down to the accurate song breaks in the vinyl grooves.

Life After Death may take the spotlight in this first season of Iconic Records, but it's at home with thousands of other records in the Warner Music vault which needed to be accounted for in this abstract version of the vault as well. Using custom assets created from scratch, we procedurally populated the endless shelves with road-worn milkcrates and filing boxes, along with thousands of loose records.

See the full title sequence in this first episode of Iconic Records from WMX!